Ride and Drive Sponsored by the Transportation Authority of Marin
Join Us for a Free Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) Test Drive at May Madness in San Rafael, CA on May 11, 2019 from Noon to 4 PM

Test drive the latest plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) from dealerships in the San Rafael area. Take your pick of all-electric and plug-in hybrids.
Learn more about the future of transportation and available local, state, and federal incentives. The May Madness EV ride and drive is sponsored by TAM with support from Marin Clean Energy.
Celebrating its 31st year, May Madness returns to downtown San Rafael on May 11th.
Come enjoy music, great food, a parade, and experience the event's only PEV Ride and Drive. After taking a test drive you can even grab a beer.
Join the conversation in person at May Madness on Saturday, May 11th from Noon to 4 PM. Keep the conversation going online with TAM on Facebook and Twitter.
Want to learn more about TAM's Plug-in Electric Vehicle/Alt Fuel Advisory Working Group, and Drive Electric educational events throughout the county? Sign up for the newsletter.
Transportation Authority
of MarinGreenhouse Gas Emissions
ReductionLike other counties in California, transportation is a significant source of
air pollution in Marin County, accounting for over half of our greenhouse
gas emissions. While countywide climate pollution has been cut 17% since
2005, more can be done by all of us to meet our climate and air quality goals.
The Transportation Authority of Marin is among the many government
agencies, companies, institutions and individuals doing its part to help clear
the air in Marin.
Among our efforts, we are:
OPTIONSReducing the need for single occupancy vehicles is a powerful strategy. TAM is helping Marin Transit secure electric buses and provide a range of local transit services within Marin County. Learn More
VEHICLESTAM is helping to support the conversion to electric vehicles in Marin County, from education and outreach, to providing rebates for electric vehicle charging stations and clean fleet adoption by our cities and towns.Learn More
CONGESTIONFrom highway projects, to improving local roads, to using innovative technologies, TAM is working to reduce the time Marin County residents spend in traffic.
TO SCHOOLTAM administers the Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Program, which works to relieve traffic congestion around schools by promoting alternatives to commuting to school, such as walking, biking, taking the bus and carpooling.Learn More
LANESMore carpooling means fewer individual trips, and that helps get cars off the road and reduce pollution from unneeded trips.
Contact Transportation Authority of Marin
900 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100
San Rafael, CA 94901
Email: info@tam.ca.gov
Website: www.tam.ca.gov